Maker Voices: Aaron Bruce Bantung
Going into my final quarter at Stanford, I knew I wanted to create something in any shape or form, something tangible that I can come away from this quarter knowing I made this.
July 15, 2024
School makerspaces: Beyond the hype
Makerspaces have great potential for enhancing learning, but only if educators attend to the practicalities of integrating making into their classrooms.
September 25, 2023
Maker Voices: Abigail
At the end of a long day of classes, working on my Catan board became the one thing I really wanted to do.
December 17, 2021
Maker Voices: Em
"Taking the long route [of using found materials] helped me slow down. I became a little more curious about materials that are all around us and more thoughtful about how ..."
August 19, 2021
Maker Voices: Shizza
"The process was extremely fun and deeply satisfying. I am excited to see my son play with this toy once it is completed."
August 19, 2021
Maker Voices: Cali
"I also appreciated how my time in the GSE Makery encouraged me to prototype and iterate often, and strive for progress over perfection. Each project involved a lot of trial ..."
August 19, 2021
Maker Voices: Greg
"The process of building this photo frame was genuinely fun, exciting and an experiential process. Not everything went according to plan, but I believe I learnt so much from the...
August 19, 2021
Maker Voices: Victoria
"My projects are not perfect but I know more today than I knew a few weeks ago. Building a project from start to finish and over several weeks was an engaging educational ...
July 05, 2021
Maker Voices: Jess
"It was a little bit like the microcosm of this pandemic school year for me--so many challenges and unexpected miscalculations, but ultimately, persevering with something to be ...
July 05, 2021
How Stanford’s makerspaces are adapting to the pandemic
Even faced with complete closure due to health and safety guidelines, Stanford’s makerspaces have found innovative ways to continue serving their communities during the COVID-19...
November 24, 2020
Tips for Teachers: Remote hands
You were planning a great hands-on lesson for your students before COVID hit. What do you do now? The GSE Makery staff share ideas: use stuff from home, send a kit, go digital, ...
April 30, 2020
Thinking About Sustainability
Making objects helps us to question how and why things are made. Once you see how our world is constructed, you begin to realize that you could construct it differently.
March 03, 2020
Building on the TLTL
Before the GSE Makery, this was the home of the Transformative Learning Technologies Lab. Founder Professor Paulo Blikstein reports that, when it first opened in 2010, it was the..
February 03, 2020
Launching the Makery
It's hard to believe it's been a year since we launched the GSE Makery. We couldn't have done this without standing on the shoulders of giants.
January 07, 2020
Stanford Makerspaces
Now, with makerspaces for art, science, engineering and projects that defy discipline, Stanford has enthusiastically followed its founders’ decree – boosted by modern enthusiasm...
December 10, 2019
Gifts of Making
There are a lot of reasons why making a gift can be an easier way to start.
December 09, 2019
The Most Common Questions K12 Educators Have About Design
Making allows students to take their ideas and give them form and shape. Design thinking empowers them to make things that matter.
November 08, 2019
Focus on People, not Stuff
When we set design goals ahead of time, we are better positioned not only to make better purchasing decisions, but also to make better program decisions.
September 07, 2019
Learning to make, and making to learn
A new studio for students and faculty provides high- and low-tech tools for educational discovery and design.
January 23, 2019